Rownhams Manor is now open and accepting residents

At Rownhams Manor, we prioritise comfort and wellbeing for all residents. Our home is environmentally conscious and designed to the highest standard.

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Rownhams Manor is now open and accepting residents

Respite care

Our respite services go the extra mile, offering residents a higher level of comfort and unwavering support. This ensures they feel truly reassured and well taken care of.

Respite care

At Oyster, we offer much-needed relief and support to both caregivers and their loved ones. We welcome all individuals joining us for respite care with love and support. They will experience the same high standards of support and attention as all of our residents. Our dedicated and compassionate staff are trained to meet residents’ unique needs before arrival. Whether a short-term stay or a planned respite period, Oyster create a warm and welcoming environment where individuals feel secure and cared for.

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