Copperfield Court Care Home Residents Enjoy an Inspiring Visit to the RAF Hurricane and Spitfire Museum

12 February 2025 Copperfield Court

Residents from Copperfield Court enjoyed a fascinating outing to the RAF Hurricane and Spitfire Museum in Manston, where they explored aviation history, shared personal stories, and reminisced about connections to the past.

The visit proved to be an engaging and meaningful experience for all, with residents taking in the museum’s historical displays, aircraft, and wartime memorabilia.
For Chris, the artwork displayed throughout the museum was particularly captivating. He was drawn to the contrasts between past and present – especially the changing aerial views of Manston Airport – and how the runways have evolved over time.

Robert – a former RAF serviceman with twelve years of service – brought history to life by sharing stories from his time in the Royal Air Force. Among his fondest memories was his spaniel, who was trained to run to the bomb shelters at the sound of air raid sirens – a habit that stayed with the dog long after the war had ended.

For Arthur, the engineering side of aviation was a particular highlight. He was fascinated by the intricate mechanics of the airplane engines – taking time to examine the various models on display.

Mary, meanwhile, was transported back in time as she reminisced about her father’s role in constructing the Manston runway. She fondly recalled the stories he used to share about his experiences – making the visit an incredibly personal and special moment for her.

The day concluded with a relaxing stop at the museum café – where residents enjoyed warm drinks and slices of cake – reflecting on their visit and sharing their own connections to the rich history they had explored.

Eve Balcombe, Registered General Manager at Copperfield Court, said:

“It was a truly special day for our residents – bringing together personal memories, history, and shared experiences. Trips like these are about more than just getting out and about – they create moments of nostalgia, connection, and joy. Seeing our residents so engaged with the exhibits and sharing their own stories was wonderful to witness. We look forward to more outings like this in the future.”

At Copperfield Court, outings and activities are carefully planned to ensure that residents stay connected to their interests, communities, and past experiences – fostering a sense of belonging and engagement.

For more information about Copperfield Court and the activities we offer, please click here.





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